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Insight Subluxation Station

Certified Space TechnologyTM at Big Country Family Chiropractic


The only Insight Subluxation Station in Abilene, is a computerized, non-invasive & painless test consisting of Thermal, Surface Electromyology (SEMG), and Heart Rate Variability used to detect and pinpoint abnormal function which cannot be seen on X-ray and are generally not felt in the form of pain.


Originally designed to measure changes in spinal muscles of astronauts caused by space flight, it shows if there are any subluxations or stress on your nervous system and how it affects your organs, glands, muscles, and energy level. It does not use any needles, electric shock, or heat. All you feel is someone touching you. Even infants are scanned.


Dr. Cory has joined a growing number of high tech chiropractic doctors that have upgraded their level of care to better assess the health and well being of their community. The Insight Subluxation StationTM measures the electrical flow and charts it, using graphics that show the spine. This allows Dr. Cory to specifiy precisely when and where adjustments are needed, which allows increased accuracy in diagnosis, care, and outcomes. It also allows you, the patient, to visually track your progress.

Scan Images

Thermal Scan

The scanner will measure the temperature on each side of your spine. Your skin temperature is controlled by the autonomic nervous system which is that part of the nervous system that you don’t have to think about. Such as heart rate, breathing, all organ function, and much more. Studies at Johns Hopkins University show that the body temperature on the left and right sides of your spine should be the same. A difference of body temperature on the right or left sides of your spine indicates stress on your autonomic nerves (Subluxation). The test enables us to determine what organs may be affected and the severity of the stress.


Surface Electromyograph (SEMG)

SEMG will measure how your motor nerves are working. This is the part of the nervous system controlling muscles & movement. The more your muscles contract…the more electrical activity. We are able to measure the amount of muscle spasms or weakness which may indicate stress to your nervous system caused by Subluxation.


Each color represents differing amounts of nervous system disturbance. Disturbances in nervous system function will cause an abnormal amount of flow to the muscles on either side of the spine. As a result of this disturbance, the muscles can become weaker, tighter, or fatigued. 


Heart Rate Variability (HRV)

This is simply put, the variation in time between each heart beat. The variation is again controlled by the autonomic nervous system. The HRV level changes naturally from day to day, based on the level of activity and amount of stress. If a person is chronically stressed or overloaded – physically or mentally – the natural interplay between the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems can be disrupted, and the body can get stuck in a sympathetically dominant fight state. This would show up as low HRV even when the person is resting, indicating a higher stress level. This is very consuming on the body and can result in various mental and physical health problems. In a normal, healthy situation, the body should be able to switch to a higher HRV, parasympathetically dominant rest and digest state. 




"Together these 3 measurements give us an unparalleled look into the function of your nervous system and it is a true blessing to have this resource for every one of our patients." - Dr. Cory Kopas


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